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 Set conference registrations (within user record edit)

 You can set conference registrations while modifying a user record by
 answering "Y" to the "Select Conferences" question.  After selecting the
 conference(s) to act upon the system will ask you for the flags you wish
 to use for that conference.

  S   = selects ALL conferences.
  #   = selects a specific conference.
  #-# = selects a range of conferences.

 Registration Flags
  R = Registered in conference if his subscription has not expired.
  X = Registered in conference even if his subscription has expired.
  L = Locked out of the conference.
  S = Scan this conference.
  C = "Sysop" temporarily while in this conference.

  Note that if a conference is flagged as PUBLIC and the caller has
  sufficient security to join the conference he may do so regardless of the
  "R" and "X" flags unless his "L" flag is turned on to indicate that he is
  locked out of that conference.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson